We take the protection of your personal data very seriously. Your privacy is an important matter to us.
The following provisions are intended to inform you about the processing of personal data in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This applies in particular to consideration of information obligations in line with Arts. 12 to 14 GDPR, and to clarification of the existing rights of the affected person under the GDPR in line with Arts. 15 to 22 and Art. 34 GDPR.
The following company is responsible for the processing of your personal data:
Georg Martin GmbH
Martinstrasse 55
63128 Dietzenbach
We process your personal data in compliance with the legal data privacy requirements that apply to each group of affected persons for the purposes listed below:
Some of the afore-mentioned processes or services are executed by carefully selected and commissioned service providers. We convey personal data to or receive if from these service providers solely on the basis of a processing agreement. If a service provider’s seat of business is outside the European Union or European Economic Area, information is exchanged via a third country. The legal requirements of the corresponding data privacy agreements for establishing an appropriate level of data protection are contractually agreed with these service providers along with the necessary guarantees.
You have the right:
Unless otherwise regulated in the more detailed data privacy statements, we will delete your personal data once the contractual relationship with you ends, provided that you have made use of your right of deletion, all mutual claims have been settled and no other legal retention obligations or legal reasons exist for the data to be stored. Retention periods under commercial law for financially relevant data usually amount to up to 10 years. We can also retain data for as long as is necessary to protect ourselves against any claims that could be made against us. These periods can amount to up to 30 years.
As defined by this general information for employees, the terms listed below have the following meanings:
We reserve the right to amend our data privacy statement if need be and publish it at this place. Please check this site regularly. The updated statement takes effect with its publication subject to the applicable legal regulations. Should we already have recorded data relating to you which is affected by the amendment and/or is subject to a legal information obligation, we will notify you separately about any essential changes to our data privacy statement.
Georg Martin GmbH
Martinstrasse 55
63128 Dietzenbach
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